Ten Advices of Imam Zafar AsSadiq

Once Sufiyan AsSawri insisted Imam Zafar AsSadiq to relate him a Hadith at-least. Imam AsSadiq given him these 10 advices instead. He said:
1.When Allah Ta’ala grants you a bounty and you like it to be with you, then praise Allah Ta’ala abundantly and you should thank Allah Ta’ala.
2.You find you sustenance is shrinking, repent abundantly and he quoted from Surah Noor.
3. If your authorities are bothering you, then abundantly read “LaHaula BilaQuwata IllaBiLLAH…” because these are two wings of the opening and treasure from treasures of the Paradise.
4. Spend in the way of Allah Ta’ala and Allah Ta’ala will increase in your sustenance.
5. If you want sustenance to come down, do Sadqa but if you want whatever you have to be protected, pay Zakat.
6. whoever causes grief to his parents, he makes his parents like having no child.
7. Whoever hits his thighs whenever any problem comes to him, his rewards are eliminated.
8. whoever digs a ditch for his brother, himself falls into it.
9. whoever stays with stupid people, gets humiliated and whoever stays with people of knowledge, gets respect.
10. If you do a good dead, it’s not complete if following three things are not considered. Do it quickly, Don’t think it to be too big for yourself and You do it for the sake of Allah Ta’ala and conceal it.