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The Quran with microscope: A scientific observation of the holy Quran.
In Arabic Salaltah means to extract the pure ingredients from something very delicately.
The holy Quran( 32: 8) says :
ثُـمَّ جَعَلَ نَسْلَـهٝ مِنْ سُلَالَـةٍ مِّنْ مَّـآءٍ مَّهِيْنٍ (سورۃ السجدۃ: 8)
“پھر اس (انسان) کی نسل کو پانی مبین کے خلاصہ سے بنایا”
“Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.”
The Science has verified these words of the Quran. The scientific study says that during the conjugation of women’s egg and men’s sperm, it remains very delicately separate from other fluids present in womb and by the process of splitting of cells a complete human baby is formed. It is evident that in formation of baby only one women egg and one men sperm is required, rest of the fluids do not have any role in it.
Now one can question that If only one cells are required than why millions of sperm cells are present in Semen? Are they just wasted? Dr Abdul Wadood explain this in his book “Mazahir Fitrat aur Quran”.
He writes — This is a very interesting phenomena that there are uncountable sperms in the semen. In an average ejaculation of men semen 400 million sperms are present. Now the question arises that if only one sperm is enough to activate the egg of women then what is the role of these millions of sperm cells? Doctors know that If a man has low sperm count, then he can not have a child. Actually the job of sperms are very though and long. Most of the sperms does not reach to egg so in order to increase the probability of at-least reaching one sperm to the egg millions of sperms have to be present in semen. The first hindrance in sperms job is the mucus membrane of Cervix.